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Monday, December 12, 2011

3 weeks are gone ........ :-(

Hi dudes,
since i post the last time anything here 3 weeke have past that is why i feel so bad because this here(my blog  ) is like Diary of my life in The United States. In this period of time so much has happend. I have to be honest i can't remember anymore everthing that is why i am so pissed at myself. But i will tell ya everthing what i can remember.
Lets go............... The Week after Thanksgiving was a normaly Highschool - Week so i'd describe it. The following week was more important for me because i had alot conversation with my Hostdad. Eventually we have no  problems anymore and that make me so happy.
right now i spent my time with Rj at my Area Rep. because Roger is out of town thus i have to stay at my Arear Rep. House.
Further more for three days i wrestled with Rj and by this action he broke with his knie my left lateral incisor ..auuuuuuuuuuuh
but that was an accident...................!
ohter subject we finally move in our new House does that mean that we live, i think only two minutes from school away.That is sooooo divine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i almost forget that i wanna tell you how fast the time is running,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you know sometimes i want to go in a second at home but on the other hand i wanna stay in the moment here for ever . It is like a dream i love it i trutly do.
Besides Arbor View is the best school eeeevvver!

i  swear that i'll upate more........... !!! see ya